Citizen Journalism (English)

With the advancement of information technology, the journalism, the delivery of news, is no longer limited to reporters. The Citizen Journalism collection reflects the new dynamics of public and individual contribution to the world of journalism in order to promote democracy, civial rights, humand rights, and other social issues.

This collection contains: 14 books

Products inside this collection

    Citizens at the Gates: Twitter, Networked Publics, and the Transformation of American Journalism (English)

    Drawing insights from nearly a decade of mixed-method research, Stephen R. Barnard analyzes...

      Free for All: The Internet's Transformation of Journalism (English)

      In Free for All , longtime scholar of digital media Elliot King begins with a brief history of the...

        Ghosting the News: Local Journalism and the Crisis of American Democracy (English)

        "An excellent introduction to the essential problem of our republic. With a wake-up call like this...

          Journalism Next: A Practical Guide to Digital Reporting and Publishing (English)

          The fourth edition of Journalism Next: A Practical Guide to Digital Reporting and Writing is...

            Mapping Citizen and Participatory Journalism in Newsrooms Classrooms and Beyond (English)

            Mapping Citizen and Participatory Journalism in Newsrooms, Classrooms and Beyond assesses citizen...

              Mobile and Social Media Journalism (English)

              Now in its second edition, Mobile and Social Media Journalism continues to be an essential...

                New Models for Journalism: Changing Paradigms (English)

                Exploring the deep transformation that journalism has undergone in the last decade, this book...

                  News for US: Citizen-Centered Journalism (English)

                  In the midst of the disruptions and distrust that have plagued traditional media in recent years,...

                    Participatory Journalism: Guarding Open Gates at Online Newspapers (English)

                    Who makes the news in a digital age? Participatory Journalism offers fascinating insights into how...

                      Public Journalism 2. 0: The Promise and Reality of a Citizen Engaged Press (English)

                      Where does journalism fit in the media landscape of blogs, tweets, Facebook postings, YouTube...

                        The Digital Journalist's Handbook (English)

                        The Digital Journalist's Handbook is your guide to the tools you need to know to thrive in today's...

                          We're All Journalists Now: The Transformation of the Press and Reshaping of the Law in the Internet Age (English)

                          There is a battle brewing in American life in which bloggers and other citizen journalists will...

                            We the Media: Grassroots Journalism by the People, for the People (English)

                            " We the Media , has become something of a bible for those who believe the online medium will...

                              What Unites Us: the Graphic Novel (English)

                              In this graphic novel adaptation of his bestselling collection of essays, legendary news anchor...